
First Day Hike at Pinson Mound

Pinson Mounds 460 Ozier Rd, Pinson, TN, United States

Start your year off with s 2-mile hike to the Eastern Citadel and visit to the bird shaped mound! This hike will take you through parts of the park you won't usually see! Be sure to bring water, dress for the weather, and meet Ranger Dedra at the Group Camp Parking Lot! For more Information.

Andrew Jackson Marathon RunAJM

West Tennessee Farmers Market 91 New Market St., Jackson, TN, United States

Tennessee's oldest marathon, the Run AJM Andrew Jackson Marathon!
It's a major fundraiser for the Exchange Club Carl Perkins Center for the Prevention of Child Abuse.
The race features a looped course, taking participants through the beautiful downtown and historic midtown Jackson, TN.