Our May First Thursday Program will be a Book Talks and Plant Swaps Luncheon!
Speakers: Dr. Ken Newman
Dr. Karen Codjoe
Rayna Bomar
Melissa Moore
Tommy Rhodes
Sue Ann Barnes
Ann Van der Lin
Join us as our members share their current favorite books and authors for your summer reading pleasure. Bring some of your books to swap! Master Gardeners – bring anything from your garden to share with others. We will have a light luncheon. Bring pick up foods only please (sandwiches, desserts etc.) in your own dishware. The Friends will provide plates, forks, and as always coffee and water.
This will be an informal meeting with lots of time to visit, browse the books and plants, and enjoy fellowship with each other! May is our last meeting until Sept. Come and grab a book and kick off your Summer Reading. Door Prize- 2 $10 gift cards from Turntable Coffee!